Repeat Gifts! - Add Quantities

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Allow gifts to be marked with a checkmark or a quanityt check which would allow multiple people to purchase that gift.

Example at the moment if I put candy on my list and person A buys it, it is now removed fromn the wishlist and i'm left wanting more candy (>:P).
However if you let us add a little tick or w.e onto a gift we want to keep on the list even after someone bought it, i can get more candy. win win


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Throne Team

Merged with: Remove 'wants xx' bubble OR allow item to remain on list after purchase


Boony Bun

Say I have a favourite chocolate product that has been purchased multiple times - I would usually just add this back to the wish list after purchase. I discovered the "quantity" option while editing an item. I assumed this would allow for multiple to be purchased, either at once or just keep it up on the list. However, this creates a (wants xx) bubble on the item - refer to image. I personally dislike the pressure or emphasis that this puts on an item, and would prefer to have up to x times gifted before an item is removed.

My proposed alternatives/solutions:
- Add an extra option on the item description window, i.e. Want +- XX (which would create the current bubble seen) alongside the quantity +- option (without a publicly visible amount)
- Allow an item to be pinned to wish list until removed by the creator.

Would love some more flexibility around this feature!

(P.s. Thank you to everyone on the Throne team! You're all doing a wonderful job!)


Boony Bun

I didn't find this post until after I searched and posted! So, I will tag my thoughts on here!

Say I have a favourite chocolate product that has been purchased multiple times - I would usually just add this back to the wish list after purchase. I discovered the "quantity" option while editing an item. I assumed this would allow for multiple to be purchased, either at once or just keep it up on the list. However, this creates a (wants xx) bubble on the item - refer to image. I personally dislike the pressure or emphasis that this puts on an item, and would prefer to have up to x times gifted before an item is removed.

My proposed alternatives/solutions:
- Add an extra option on the item description window, i.e. Want +- XX (which would create the current bubble seen) alongside the quantity +- option (without a publicly visible amount)
- Allow an item to be pinned to wish list until removed by the creator.

Would love some more flexibility around this feature!


Throne Team

Status changed to: Live


Francisco Eduardo Vila Hoz

This appears to be live currently, but only for gifts that haven't been tagged as crowd-fundable. Since it's still marked as such, I figure I might as well try asking here that the option be extended to those.


Throne Team

Merged with: Add Monthly Ordering


S0lsticee Twitch

Make it possible for people to add things to be re-purchased monthly instead of them having to re-add it eg. coffee, makeup, snacks, ect


Jennifer Dial

Could we consider the option to toggle items that we would like to leave on our wishlists even after a single unit has been purchased? For example, I put pet items on mine (drinking fountain filters), and I could definitely use a few of these without re-adding it every time they're purchased. Either that, or a quantity option so it won't remove the item until that number is met? I think this could be super helpful!


Throne Team

Merged with: Quantity Option / Repeatable Items


Add an option to re-add a gift to your list every X many days, or every X day in a month. For example if there is a product I buy monthly and I add it to my list, it'd be nice to say "I want this automatically re-added in 3 weeks" or etc.


Throne Team

Merged with: Periodic Gifts


Sometimes you put cookies up and they get bought, but what if you want cookies all the time? There should be an option to automatically click "re-enlist on gifting" or something.
Also, a preventative measure to stop someone buying 10x (or more) of the same thing at once (like a monthly limit perhaps?) or the ability to edit the amount before the sale is finalized.


Throne Team

Merged with: Automatically Re-enlist Selected Certain Items


ability to get more than 1 of an item if more than one is requested, for example a dual monitor pc build if someone decided to go that route.


Throne Team

Merged with: Option to multi purchase


Throne Team

Merged with: Repeating listings


Hi! I think having a feature where you can set an item to be purchased multiple times would be very handy. For example you could have a permanent listing for a bag of skittles, and people can choose how many bags they want to send to you. Thanks for your time!


Allow buyer to select quantity of item they’re buying


PLEASE allow multiple quantities of a wishlist item to be bought at once! I use my wishlist for my art/sewing stream and it's difficult to post options for my followers in a way that they can gift, for example, multiple yards of a fabric.


Katx 404

This will be super helpful with gift cards as well. It'll beat having to keep adding the same thing back to wishlists every time a supporter purchases the item.


"Unlimited" would also be great, so that gifters can order as many as they want, especially if it's a digital good or gift card.


Throne Team

Merged with: Be able to add multiple and price reflect it.


Sometimes there may be an item you want two or three of, instead of adding them individually we should be able to add Quantity. Such as wanting a specific face mist but one is too small, add 2 as a quantity. Many things on amazon have a minimum quantity aswell and its confusing if we have to calculate the price for both or not.


Throne Team

Merged with: Quantity of an Item



I am not sure why we do not have a spot for quantity... Example, I need two hard drives and it would be easier if I could put "Quantity: 2" in the posting instead of putting several on my wishlist.


Throne Team

Status changed to: Planned



Basically a way to have a "wants: 3 has: 0" similar to amazon. Love the idea

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