Provide a mobile app

  • Live


It would be helpful to allow managing your account as well as adding gifts, purchasing gifts and such via mobile application instead of having to open a browser and login every time.


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Throne Team

Hey all! Our iOS app went live today apps.apple.com/us/app/throne-wishlist-for-creators/id6449217258


Throne Team

Status changed to: Live


jazmine leija


Throne Team

Merged with: Create an app


Adrienne Driggs

This would be immensely helpful! Being able to as a creator sort manage and organize our lists and requests on the go with an app would be amazing.


Throne Team

Status changed to: Under review


muted arsonist

It would make it way easier for Mobile users


Throne Team

Merged with: App


It would be great to have a mobile app.

Searching products on the phone via Safari is a little difficult because when I select a product and hit the back button, it puts me all the way back up to the top of the list. It’s pretty irritating to lose my position when I’m far down the list.

Also it would be great to have a mobile app so that I could keep Throne separate from all my other tabs I have open. When I’m looking up a product on another site, it’s a little clunky to go back and forth between safari tabs. When I’m entering a product manually, I’d rather just swipe up to see the last used app and get a preview of the product in Safari to see the price/option details. That would make it a lot easier to go back to Throne and enter in those details than having to switch browser tabs completely.


Throne Team

Merged with: IPhone App




Throne Team

A mobile app is something we might consider in the future, however, mobile development is a large beast to tackle and would need it's own development team not only to build out, but to maintain the app for updates across all platforms.