Name change

  • Live


The gifts sent became anonymous even though I added a name. Is there anyway for the fan or the creator to change the name?


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Throne Team

Status changed to: Live


Throne Team

Yes! You can update all gifter information here: throne.me/gifter-details


Denice girl

Throne is really helpful but i want to make a request could we can change the name of gifter based on the gift that we've sent. Because i have used my account multiple time to send my gift also help sending my friends gift but i did a careless thing in my second gift I forgot to write my friend name in gifter. Throne would you help me to edit my second gift? So, we can edit thr gifter name in every and different gift. I've changed gifter's name but it will change all of my gift history with one same name of gifter. So would you help me to edit my second gifter name?


Throne Team

Merged with: The name of Gifter


Throne Team

You can change your info on throne.me/gifterdetails to change your name for gifts! :)


Throne Team

You can use this form to change your name: thronegifts.com/gifter-details