Informing Gifters More

비니 Binnie ASMR

Hi there!
I was wondering if throne plans on adding a way to inform gifters that the item they paid for could not be ordered for whatever reason. For example, a pair of jeans they gifted me was marked as "issue" and the only option I had was to refund it to my balance because the item could not be ordered to my address. It was a crowdfund item, and it's a bit tedious having to text several people and explain why the item they donated can't be ordered. Especially, because I don't really allow private DMs and my Team has to go ahead and text those people via Tickets. Idk if it's just me, but I'd really love a button with a generic message that gets sent straight to the gifters email saying something along the lines of:
Unfortunately, the gift you donated could not be ordered (maybe the reason), and the money was added to the creator's balance.

Best Regards,


Activity Newest / Oldest


Throne Team

Status changed to: Planned


Throne Team

Great point, adding more clarity to gift purchases (in particular the gift status) is a great idea!

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