Custom alerts on stream

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I would love to be able to change up the alerts specifically for throne as they now are just the picture and the donation sound! :)


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I’d love to be able to customize my alerts and tie it into my brand with a gif. If I am live streaming and someone gifts I want them to see my vtuber companion popping out of a gift box vs the item and a dry thank you message. Allowing customization like that can allow us to tie in our own brands into throne and make it more fun in stream.


Throne Team

Merged with: Customize Alerts


Franz von Eisenheim

There's no way to customize Throne's Streamlabs-integration alerts through the Streamlabs interface, nor is there a way to customize them directly through Throne's website. This severely compromises the usefulness of Throne's Streamlabs integration since neither platform offers a way of adjusting the notifications according to the user's needs. Throne's browser source notifications are a serviceable workaround and I will be using them until or unless the issue with Streamlabs integration is resolved, but are far from ideal due to the extra space they require and their lack of customizability. I already use Streamlabs for alerts and would prefer to integrate Throne notifications into my existing Streamlabs event viewer rather than have two separate notification sources that need to be displayed in their own windows.


Throne Team

Merged with: Add Customization for Streamlabs Alerts


Zeri Bishop

I'd love this more if I could change where in the browser source the logo was so it better blends into my existing overlays. make it look cleaner. more professional. which also makes throne's platform look more professional.



It may be "live" but this isn't even close to "customisable"
I have a suite of custom html/js/css coded alerts in streamelements for my on-stream branding. If I were to use what is offered by throne, it would look odd and out of place.
An API that provides a json payload containing text data, image, and other relevant info would be great, so that i can make the throne alert match the rest of my alerts and branding.

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Yeah I am not sure why this is "Live", these are not customizable at all :( They could at least make the API public so I can trigger events with streamerbot and make my own alerts if the customizability is to remain this limited.


Throne Team

Status changed to: Live


being able to make the alert BIG - so it's clearly noticeable on stream without becoming pixelated would be amazing. right now its sizing makes it easy to miss out on - especially for mobile Twitch viewers. even as the streamer, i find it very difficult to read.


I would love the on stream pop ups to be customizable with my own sound and images!


Throne Team

Merged with: Custom Stream Alerts


Throne Team

Status changed to: Under review


Would love to be able to control the length of time it displays etc. too.